Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Other Side of the Mirror

Your reflection will always show you all the things that you did not want to notice. It is the only source that will provide the bitter truth that even your best friend will try to avoid! And once in a while, maybe that’s what we all deserve - the harsh reality.

Today my mirror is forcing me to shed a few pounds. It’s been telling me to do that for over 2 weeks now! And each time I feel like I’m doing a good job, I see a floating strawberry cheesecake (we all love cheesecake, okay!). But sometimes I realize that despite the popular phrase “what you see, is what you get”, there has definitely got to be more than what meets the naked eye.

The mirror displays all the imperfections within us in a way that can be highly demotivating on many occasions. Sometimes we do not need to know that the dress we have been saving up to buy for the last couple of weeks does not actually look that amazing when tried on. But your mirror will never show you how beautiful you are on the inside. It will not encourage you when you need to be told that you did the right thing. Your mirror won’t ever tell you that you have been a good daughter. The mirror is nothing but a mere reflection of what YOU are willing to show. It knows, nor shows anything more or less than that. And yet we seem to spend a lifetime whining about what we see in this object that is flawed in so many ways!

Yes we would all like to look glamorous like the people we see in the magazines or on television, or those who prefer to imitate these people. But it is time to accept that it is a completely different world behind the pages of Vogue magazine. And maybe it is time to embrace the fact that real women actually snort when they laugh, they’ve got big ar*es, and they PMS! (I am pretty darn sure I got that off Ugly Betty).

And it does not matter what your mirror is telling you today. Any dress will look perfect, if it is accessorized with a beautiful smile, and a touch of confidence :)